Your Smartphone Warn You For Heart Attack

Just imagine, if the heart attack patient should know before then! In a recent technology is designed with your smartphone you will of you how much risk of heart attacks.

In the US Silicon Valley entrepreneur zaik holdsworth and Kiwi company has launched in the market the technology closely. This technique you will find tattoo on hand made of nano-chip that will keep an eye on the heart and blood circulation and your Smartphone will give its complete information. This shift in their speed information will already reach Smartphone and to help prevent heart attacks.

This technique used to build Boston's company taituon MC 10 with the help of the chip by heart and BP's activities as dacoits would signal to the Smartphone.

Zaik holdsworth, this technique for patients ' hearts can be quite helpful to use this tech taituon within the next five years will be able within the next 10 years the people while our try that use this technique even within the heart. "

The company is now working on a technology that contains the microchip shall be construed within the heart and the heart will be able to find the signal from Smartphone. now though this technique to develop and take the time to enter the market even more heart attack patients ' fear of death occurring from short course.

Live Stress Free life

We think food stretch much less, but stress increases stress and eat. therefore stressed the rest of khaie-leg amputations.

You just have to meet the expectations and wishes of others to not say ' you. ' right to meet the expectations of others also has live up rather than stay your desires and rights conscious.

Having a relaxed time for tea-sipping coffee or any other drink your not used to build the nicotine found these increases stress..

Easy exercise to your daily routine include a yoga or aerobics in endrarphin of a chemical. discharge, which reduces stress and promotes positive feelings.

Relax yourself. diverse ways. relaxants and more free time to read.

Every man thinks that life is full of demands and the time to fulfill them better time management. teaches that its priorities, build, work rules, but your quick back time.

When ever that workload is so much you think whether you will like, then the same thing.

How To Overcome Anxiety

Often we are creating some conditions, that is why we are concerned it is the natural process of our minds, but the problem occurs when a person is concerned about small things always find a solution to the hassle by staying engaged or exit instead of constantly thinks about the same. it is a sign of danger.

The habit of being more concerned with GAD

(Generalized engjayti disardar), OCD (obsessive kampalsiv disardar) and raises serious psychological problems like phobiya. so far as possible not to worry phatkane around.

Why is it

Suited to your wishes when no tasks are bound to be worried, but small things to be always unduly anxious person mentally dull and pessimistic makes some people because of heredity. concerned used to be. If the parents or other members of the family concerned but also the personality of the child get used to it it has a negative influence and also worried Develop the habit of living. the constant hassle-filled experiences, confidence and also the major cause of anxiety also increases responsibilities. also worrying because of the lack of links to serotonin.

There seemed to be

-First cool mind because of what you consider that worrisome.

-Due to my anxiety correct after finding positive way move toward problem resolution increase, but don't think too much on that issue.

-As far as possible, try to keep yourself busy.

-Regular exercise, yogabhyas and marnig walk. it is enforced by the sikrishan of the brain links called, which is helpful in removing stress.

-Many times we come to conditions such that we might want to do something. so instead of waiting for the right time to be concerned.

-Food habits and lifestyle change. junk food, tea-coffee, alcohol and cigarettes are things like some time to provide some relief from anxiety, but their large amount of brain performance decrement.

-Take to read good books and positive thinking slick people. time spend.