Health Is Wealth

Many diseases can be prevented by exercise.

Now we all admit that the exercise is an essential tool which helps to improve health, prevents disease and therefore decreases the cost of health care. to exercise our body almost all organ systems so that they better has beneficial effects on work and prevent a wide range of ailments.

Regular exercise improves health in various ways such as

Diseases, reducing the risk of premature death
Diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, reducing the risk of
Cologne, to reduce the risk of breast and prostate cancer
Maintain a healthy weight and helps develop a positive body image.
Bones and build muscle mass and helps to keep them strong and healthy Add.
Older men better functional independence so they can work and your daily body

Builds that falling injuries decreases.

Reduces the risk of osteoporosis, a brittle bone disease is.
Improves the immune system (the body's internal systems which fight disease).
Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety and enhances a sense of sujivan.

Exercise can control diseases

Various diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, osteoporosis and obesity etc exercise, medication and proper nutritional care can be controlled by the type of person to an active disease can live a better life and a sedentary person suffer less mortality than the disease.