Be Aware For Maleria

Enaphilij disease female mosquito bites. the mosquito body called bacteria plasmodium (were originally). mosquito bites by this goes in the human body.


-Cold fever with headache and body pain..

-Less urination and breathing trouble. abdominal pain.

-Fainting or seizures, that cerebral malaria (malaria seribral).


-Identify the symptoms for unloading immediately. pairasitamal fever.

-Wipe the body with cold water.

-Consult a doctor.

-Highly effective medicines for malaria these days.


-Use the methods to remove the mosquitoes.

-Water deposits in the vicinity.

-Wear full-sleeved clothing.

-People who live in such areas, where there are more cases of malaria, endemic in medical language Parts zone '. people living in parts of some medicine from the doctor every day or twice a week can avoid carrying malaria. malaria prevention yet no vaccine (vaccine) you get disturbed –.